Did you know that St. Augustine converted to the Catholic faith during the Easter Vigil in April of 387? That’s right. One of the most influential theologians in the Catholic Church was himself a convert!
Maybe, like Augustine, God is calling you to a deeper friendship and a more intimate union with Him through the truth of the Catholic faith. How can you tell?
Ten signs that God is calling you to a deeper friendship:
You have been wondering if God exists – is there any proof?
You don’t feel fully connected & you’re dissatisfied with the things of this world.
You just feel a tug toward the spiritual that you may not understand.
You’re fascinated by angels and demons and the spiritual warfare between the two.
You’re questioning your identity.
You feel discontent or unfulfillment, like something is off.
You get promptings from the Holy Spirit – a wave of new ideas, changes in your moral compass, unsolicited suggestions from friends that make sense, doors suddenly opening for you.
You can’t fall asleep at night.
You may hear Him calling – a dream you know came from God…seeing bible verses you can tell are meant for you…that small voice in your mind…
The old ways keep failing and you know things need to change.
If you recognize any of these ten as being true for you, it may be the Holy Spirit sending you a powerful message.
St. Michael the Archangel Pastorate is here to help you explore the unbridled joy of a loving relationship with God.
This is especially true if you have children in the Catholic School, the time couldn’t be better to consider Catholic spiritual fulfillment. The school can prepare the kids for initiation into the church while the parish prepares the adults.
In the words of recent Catholic convert, and St. Augustine parishioner, Rob Dobson, “That night, I took my First Holy Communion. For the first time… I was able to fully participate in the Mass. I finally felt like I was truly part of the Church and part of the community. It only took me 30 years but now I am fully united with my Lord and savior, Jesus Christ, through His body and blood.”
Find out what it feels like to be fully united and totally loved.
Not sure what to do next? Don't worry, I didn't either when I heard God calling me to become Catholic when I was in College. Call the parish office or just send us an email today and say “I want to know more about the Catholic faith.”
I can't wait to hear from you!Are you interested in becoming Catholic?
Are you in interested in knowing more about the Catholic faith or becoming Catholic? The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is a process for those who have not yet been baptized, or who have been baptized in another denomination, or who have been baptized Catholic but not educated in the faith and never received the sacraments of Confirmation and/or Eucharist.
If interested, please contact Father Bennett [email protected] or Grant Allen [email protected] or call 219.866.5351 for further details.