Four high school youth and two adults traveled to Washington D.C. with the Diocese of Lafayette to participate in the March for Life! The youth who attended were Hillary Hall, Katherine Lank, Sarah Mahnesmith and Gabe King. Christy Fleming and Kris Dobson accompanied the group from St. Augustine. After traveling all night, the group arrived in D.C. to participate in a rally at the Capital One Center including Mass, music, and activities to inspire the marchers. Prior to the march, the group attended a rally on the Mall in D.C. Speakers included Vice President Pence and the Second Woman, Karen Pence, Ben Shapiro, and several Senators and Congressmen/Women. An OBGYN shared her journey from performing abortions and receiving her own abortion to becoming a Pro-Life advocate. The group from St. Augustine then participated in the March to the Supreme Court building along with at least 200,000 other participants. The group planned to travel to New York to tour the 9/11 Memorial and attend Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral on Saturday, but inclement weather forced them to travel home Friday night. The group is appreciative of all the prayer from their St. Augustine friends for safe travels. The group is meeting to determine future plans to promote Respecting Life. A special "thank-you" to Wilson Industrial Sales and Wilson Fertilizer for sponsoring our group!